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Spartan Workouts Pdf

blognetlioli1970 2020. 3. 3. 21:39

The Gerard Butler 300 Workout and diet is a 5-6 day routine. The workout focuses on olympic lifts, functional training, and metabolic body movements. The Gerard Butler 300 workout was designed by, a record holding mountain climber and lead personal trainer of Gym Jones in Salt Lake City, Utah.says:I wanted to look really strong. I’ve seen so many actors play these kinds of roles, and you see all this equipment on either a big belly or skinny little arms.To become, Gerard Butler spent 4 months training to get in shape. The says that in order to get a warrior’s body, it was essential to get a warrior’s mentality. After the intense workouts, Gerard Butler would often feel queasy. This made the the mental aspect as important as the physical.

Gerard Butler 300 Workout RoutineSources for the Gerard Butler 300 Workout Routine include:. Interviews with Gerard Butler while promoting 300. Interviews with Gerard Butler’s trainer,. by Mark Twight.

Magazine Interviews in Men’s Health, Men’s Fitness, and Esquire.Gerard Butler Monday Workout RoutineThe Gym Jones team that supervised the Gerard Butler 300 workout had them train twice a day. ExerciseSetsRepsRestNotesData102 per set0 secsOne Superset comboSuperset #1105 per set1 minevery 30 secs for 5 minsSuperset #1551 min70-75% of max61030 secsuse DB's if you can10 reps each leg4202 minSuperset #2440meach set40m = about 43 yardsSuperset #232030 secs300 crew used a barbell. 1st workout: (Same as table above, described in detail). 2x + 5x @ 70% body weight (One combo every 30 seconds for 5 minutes). 2x @ 35-45 lb.

(16-20kg) One combo every 30 seconds for 5 minutes. 5x Heavy (70-75% of max). 6x Heavy (“Heavy” means use dumbbells if you can.). 20 + 40m (Do 4 rounds of this combo, rest 2 minutes between sets.).

Spartan Workouts Pdf

20 (3 sets, the 300 crew used a barbell)Gym Jones manager, Rob “Maximus” MacDonald says:When there are psychological changes, the physical changes will fall into place. If you can teach someone’s mind to be strong, then it is easy to teach the body to be strong. The first and most important point of our philosophy is that The Mind is Primary.2nd workout:ExerciseSetsRepsRestNotesDataCardio10 mins0 secs6101 min300 crew used 225 to start4121 min70-75% of max2251 minuse Dumbbells2251 minuse Dumbbells(Same as table above, described in detail). “Jonestown Sprint” – 45 secs of each exercise. The Ladder Pull Ups means you do 1 rep, then 2 reps, then 3 reps, then 4 reps, then 5 reps.

Then you do 4,3,2,1 back down. If sounds easy at first, but your likely to hit failure toward the end.The 2nd workout is a circuit. So, you go from one exercise to the next. 60sec at each of the stations with 30sec rest to switch between each one. I understand in a crowed gym it will be hard to run around doing each.

Do what you can: circuit or break it up so that you’re doing 3 sets. Unless otherwise stated, you do 60 secs of work at each station. 3×5 means 3 sets x 5 reps. I agree that’s confusing when it comes to wall squats. For wall squats, this is a warm up for the leg routine. So, go for around 30 seconds to be counted as a rep.

Time will vary based on your fitness level. The key is just to get your legs warm.For goblet squats, count a rep the same way you would for a normal squat.

The difference is just that you’re holding a weight out in front of you instead of it resting on your shoulders. So, for goblet squats if it says 3×5: that’s 3 sets of 5 reps. I think you are confusing ‘Wall Squats’ with ‘Wall Sits.’ The Wall Squat is an actual squat done against a wall. You can see of Mark Twight explaining it at around 0:47 of this video:He also explains it in his free ‘Soldier of Steel’ training plan. “Take a wide stance in front of a flat wall with toes touching the wall and feet perpendicular to the wall. Drop into a squat position until your knees touch the wall. Once they touch the wall, they no longer move.

From this position, useyour hands to balance against the wall as you continue to drop into a full squat.Then slowly stand back up.”. Some of the instructions might be confusing. Let me know if there is a specific workout in question. Usually, the culprit is that the instructions are listed 3-4 lines higher. For example:“Jonestown Sprint:” 45 secs of each exercise.

Spartan Workouts Pdf Download

2 sets.Plank Push Ups (The 300 crew used rings instead)Whip SmashDB OH HoldKB SwingsDead Hang Pull UpsBall SlamWall SitsFor the Jonestown sprint, you do 45 secs of each exercise, then immediately move to the next. Once you’re done with each exercise, Gerard Butler and the 300 crew would move to the next exercise. They would do 2 entire sets. Another example is the Saturday 2nd workout.Here, you would have to see that the first line says to do 3 total rounds:2nd workout: Do three total rounds:10 Shoulder Dislocate(1-5) Pull-Ups Ladder (The 300 crew used rings instead of a normal Pull Up bar.

Spartan Workout Pdf

Ladder means you start with 1 set of 1 rep, then 1 set of 2 repsetc. Up to 5)60sec at each of the following stations with 30sec rest to switch between each:Bench Press @ 135 +Resisted Rope Pull +Slosh Pipe Hold OH +Resisted Rope Pull +Arnold Press @ 2 x 25 DB +Barbell Corner Row @ BB & 35 +Parallette Push-up (The 300 crew used rings)Sit-upsI will try to bold a couple things to make it easier to read. Again, let me know if you need any more clarification on any part of the 300 workout routine. I’ve cleaned up the Friday 300 workout Part 1. Hopefully, I’ve made it more clear.

The 45 secs only applies to the biceps/cardio circuit. The rest already had the reps/sets detailed. So, the 45 sec circuit Gerard Butler used for shoulders/biceps/cardio looked like this:Do 45 secs of each exercise.

2 sets through:Arnold Press @ 2 x 25lb./11kg dumbbells for 45 secsHammer Curls @ 2 x 25lb./11kg. Dumbbells for 45 secs45 sec rowing machine at a fast pace, heavy resistance(Rest 1 minute then repeat.)Use a weight that challenges you. Start with a 25 in each hand (that’s what @ 2 x 25 lb. If that weight doesn’t challenge you for 45 secs, then jump up in weight. If that is too challenging, jump down to 20 lbs. I’ve updated the article to make the Speed Circuit more clear.

For most of the exercises, you can use barbells or dumbbells. Just, in a crowded gym, dumbbells are easier to get your hands on. The idea is to do a 2 min circuit of 6 reps of each exercise.Do as many reps of 6 as you can withGood Form!So, 3 sets where you set the timer for 2 mins.Do each exercise 6 reps, then move to the next exercise.The 300 crew would try to race each other, to see who could pump out the most reps.

Spartan Workouts Pdf

But, remember this is about safety and performance, not how many unsafe reps you can do. The first set of tables (yellow) were added to make the workouts more clear. (Also, added so they could be easily printed out or seen on a smartphone). They should be accurate, but less detailed.

The table below should be more detailed, but some find them harder to read. If you see a discrepancy, let me know and I’ll investigate.However, there might be differences because I added a “notes” section. (If you can’t view on your smartphone, tilt to Landscape). For example, from the 1st Monday workout:Clean 102 per set0 secsOne Superset comboSuperset #1Squat105 per set1 minevery 30 secs for 5 minsSuperset #1May look different from:2x Clean + 5x Squat @ 70% body weight (One combo every 30 seconds for 5 minutes)But, it’s actually the same workout.

Again, if you see something that looks like a discrepancy, I’m happy to investigate/articulate.Also, there’s 2 workouts per day. So you will see 2 sets of 2 tables.Have Fun! (And let me know if anything can be made more clear). The Pull-Ups Ladder means you and a partner do a bunch of sets back-to-back. If your solo, then only give yourself the rest equal to what it took you to perform the exercise.

The 300 crew used rings instead of a normal pullup bar. So, you do 2x, then 3x, then 4x, then 5x with very little rest.' Ladder' means you start with 1 set of 2, then 1 set of 3 reps, etc. Rest 3 mins after entire ladder. Then, repeat Ladder 2 more times. Saturday is the same. Only, you do 1x, 2x, 3x, 4x, 5x (x=reps; 15 total), then move onto the next exercise.I don't have access to tires, either.

So, I use kettlebell swings. You can even do dumbbell swings, if that's all you have around at the moment. Sumo deadlift to high pull sounds great, as well. What was the last question about 40m in reference to? The Sparrow's Dozen is the pinnacle of the Gym Jones routine. Starting out, I would aim for less than 12 sets.

Do as many as you can, and try to add another each week. Yes, the ultimate goal is 12 sets x 12 reps of each = 144 reps. The mentality at Gym Jones is about pushing you to the brink.

When they were training, Twight wanted to see who would give up first. So, that's why this rep range may sound crazy.Yes, Farmer's Holds is 20 meters. Added the (m) to the table. Resisted rope pull alternative? Hard to say, because it's such a unique exercise. I would probably do dumbbell rows.

They aren't as metabolic, but they work the back muscles. If there's room in your gym, you could do DB rows + sprint to more fully mimic the resisted rope pull.


I read an article about how good kettlebell swings are for your body (shrink your waist, improve endurance). Since then, I've added KB swings to most of my workouts (as a finisher). They're a great way to leave the gym knowing you've given it all you got.Usually, with a heavier KB, I go for 3 sets of 12. It all depends on when you get to that point where you're out of breath. The Gym Jones mentality is to get you to that 'edge.'

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Proper form is the key with KB swings. Most people make the mistake of trying to use their arms as part of the force.The best advice I've ever got about KB swings, is to 'think of your arms as a cable, let your legs and torso do all the work.' Look down toward your waist as the weight comes down, then use your lower body (with your arms merely the cables) to raise the KB's back up. I feel that there is too much overtraining and overlapping for this to have been his actual workout routine? Especially on a carb restriction, I feel no amount of sleep or healthy diet could provide enough rest recovery to be hitting every muscle group every day. Deadlfits and squats 5 days in a row? And dozens of sets of shoulder presses several days in a row?

What have you heard form people who have tried this? I cannot see someone doing two workouts a day for 6 days straight for more than a week.

Historically the Spartans were well known for their ability to fight and their prowess in war, making them an often talked about subject at any military college in the United States and abroad. Most recently the Spartan culture was made more famous with the average person through the movie “300”.

Despite it being highly inaccurate, its depiction of a group of fiercely loyal troops that are willing to fight to the death for their country definitely encompasses the sprit that was Sparta.What many people may not know about this culture is that they were obsessed with having the healthiest citizens and children as possible. To achieve that goal the men were schooled in physical activity with just as much importance as their studies in military training, reading, writing, math, music and dance. The ancient Spartans also knew that to have a strong population you also had to have strong women - not just strong men.

Special emphasis was given to educate and to physically train women as well (which was very rare in ancient Greece). This cultural dedication to being strong and healthy ended up giving the Spartan’s an average life span far superior to those of their neighboring Greek.It is with the Spartan ideals and spirit in mind that we have built the Fitness Blender Spartan 500 Workout. We believe that training your body physically with just as much intensity as you put into educating yourself, and doing it with a never give up and never surrender mentality is the best way to improve your quality of life and your life expectancy. This workout encompasses that ideal by challenging you to become fit enough to complete all 500 repetitions.This is one of the hardest workouts we have put out and it will challenge you not only physically but also mentally as your body will be telling you to stop the whole way and you must make the decision to keep pushing or to pause and take an extra break to keep your from.

So, the challenge is not just to complete the workout but to complete it with good form - without pushing yourself too far and without not being able to move the next day.Below you will find the list of exercises in this routine. Do each exercise for 10 repetitions, working your way through the list with no break in between exercises. Once you have finished the whole group of 5 exercises pause and rest for as long as you need before starting the group over again.Complete the group of 5 exercises 10 times to reach 500 repetitions.Spartan 500 - 500 Repetition Workout10 Reps - Burpees10 Reps - Squat Jacks10 Reps - Mt Climbers10 Reps - Agility Dots10 Reps - Jump SquatsThis is a challenging workout and should not be attempted by those just starting an exercise routine. Everyone’s physical abilities and risk factors are different and not all workouts are suitable for everyone. Be sure to talk to your doctor or health care provider before trying any workout or starting a new exercise routine.Calorie Burn InformationWe estimate that this workout burns 12-16 calories per minute, or 204-272 calories total.